This is (a mockup of)
Our Experience
Type a medical condition or drug name to get started, or choose from the below options
Our Story
Drug side effects are often under-reported and under-disclosed by medical professionals, yet are one of the leading reasons for patients to stop using a drug. Our Experience was developed as a tool to help patients understand what they're getting themselves into. By crowdsourcing real data from people like you and leveraging statistics and machine learning algorithms, Our Experience allows you to see for yourself what side effects are more commonly experienced by others so that you can make an educated decision about whether to try a new drug. In addition, our machine learning algorithm provides predictions for what may work best for you based on your specific demographics and biometrics. It's like taking the advice of a friend, only with much more statistical power and data to back up the advice. By focusing on transparency and accessibility, Our Experience hopes to return much of the power back to you, the patients.
This app was originally created by student volunteers for the Pitt Challenge Hackathon in October 2020. There are still lots of updates to come, and we always welcome suggestions on how to make it better. Feel free to email us at with any ideas or concerns!